Download Plain Text Editor 8.1 for Mac from our software library for free. This software for Mac OS X is a product of AlphaOmega Software. This software for Mac OS X is a product of AlphaOmega Software. The best free and paid text editor programs for Mac whether you're a web developer, programmer, technical writer, or anything in between! Word processors like Microsoft Word and Apple's own Pages software are just dandy if you want to write a college paper or fax a cover sheet, but their focus is on. TextWrangler is one of the most user-friendly examples of a text editor, with a price tag to match. Now hosted on the Mac App Store, TextWrangler offers an old-school feel, rock-solid performance, and the option of graduating to a more powerful yet familiar tool (BBEdit, below) if you feel the need.
The best free text editor 2017. Mac and Linux is a big bonus. If you're coding a site in Light Table, you can instantly preview what you're working on thanks to the embedded browser.
Whether you need to edit code, take or make quick notes, or you prefer a bare-bones, distraction-free writing tool, a good text editor can be your best friend. This week we want to know which text editors you think are the best of the bunch—and there are plenty to go around.
Of course, the best text editors are the ones that include features that are useful for lots of people—whether you're writing code or just building your first website, or you want a simple writing tool for quick notes, a text editor can be your best friend, and your options go beyond notepad.exe. Let us know which ones you think are the best (even if it is notepad.exe or TextEdit) in the discussions below.
The call for contenders is closed! To see which of your nominees made the top five, head over to our hive five feature—and don't forget to cast your vote for the all-out winner!
Let's hear your vote in the discussions below!To cast your vote, follow these guidelines:
- Follow this format for your vote, including the bold print. If you don't, it won't be counted:
Why:Why is this text editor the one you prefer? Maybe it's simple, fast, and free. Maybe you like to write code, and it has the tools you need to make that easy. Make your case! Try to keep it to a single paragraph, maybe two.
- Don't duplicate nominations! Instead, if someone's nominated your pick, star (recommend) it to give it a boost, and reply with your story instead.
- Please don't leave non-entry, direct comments on this post. They'll just get pushed down. Save your stories for others' submissions!
If you're not sure what we mean, just check out the nominations by our writers below. We'll give you a head start, and they should all be in the proper format, so you can just follow our lead.
The Hive Five is our weekly series where you vote on your favorite apps and tools for any given job. Have a suggestion for a topic? Send us an email at!
I'm writing instructions for a project and at some point, for a certain condition one needs to modify a simple plain ascii text file.
For windows I can tell them to fire up notepad. I thought on the mac I could use TextEdit but the TextEdit version I'm using defaults to write rtf, which introduces all rtf symbols in the file which is highly undesirable.
Using emacs or vi from the terminal is not something I want to burden the user with.
What are alternatives?
13 Answers
I would recommend using TextEdit since it is free and the default text editor on OS X.
You only need to learn a key shortcut (Shift-Command-T) to convert the current file to plain text.
Of course other GUI text editors exist on Mac platform but they need to be installed from the App Store or from Internet (see other answers for a selection of the most popular ones).
There is even a setting in TextEdit to let all new documents start as plain text going forward:
Again, this setting is for new documents, so if a document is already open, ⇧⌘T (Format > Make Plain Text) instantly converts a rich text document to plain text.
bmike♦My recommendation would be the awesome free app TextWrangler from Bare Bones Software
If you want to go with Terminal you can use nano
which is a fairly simple text editor but usually enough to allow Joe Random to edit basic text files.
If you're wanting something free then you're best three would probably be Sublime Text 2, Text Wrangler and TextMate.
They are also extremely good for coding, but certainly appropriate as simply a text editor.
I also recommend TextEdit because it'll be there, no installation needed.
If you only need to modify an existing file, then giving it an .txt extension ensures that it opens in TextEdit in plain text mode, no surprises.
lhflhfI suggest Sublime Text. It is geared towards developers, but you might find it useful. There are lots of packages and plugins for it.
There is an unconventional platform independent solution: Etherpad
Etherpad is an online text editor providing collaborative real-time editing of text and import/export plain text as well as other formats.
Install it on your web or intranet server and provide collaborative real-time editing as service. Send document links instead of documents.
Free test services:
More info:

You can also check out Notational Velocity or a wonderful fork nvAlt from Brett Terpstra. I suggest the nvAlt. It syncs with Simplenote or you can sync the notes via dropbox to your mobile devices and other computers.
Bean is good and free: I switched to it from TextEdit when that one started having formatting/display issues with a lot of text snippets I copy and paste from around the Web. Bean does a better job of not letting text or graphics get lost off the page due to Web formatting quirks. Note: Bean allows multiple documents to be opened at once, but the Window menu is under the Documents window, and it does not list the titles of open documents; it does allow one to cycle through open documents.
Tincta is a free lightweight plain text editor for Mac.
It has syntax coloring, line numbers and opens multiple files in a one-window mode. I would say it is perfect for when you sporadically need to view or edit text documents and is very easy to use for novice users.(Disclaimer: I'm part of the Tincta development team, but it's free and really good :-) )
Editra for Mac is the closest thing I've found to Windows Notepad on the Mac.

It's also free, open-source, and highly configurable.
@Ivana mentioned Smultron but got downvoted (I guess) because she also recommended Notepad++ in the same thread, Notepad++ being a Windows only software.
I don't want to argue on the downvote but rather to give a chance to Smultron to be ranked higher than last, as I think it is a very good answer to the OP question.
Smultron and Notepad++ are two very good options. They both use plain text so even when the user copy-pastes formatted text, the formatting is removed. Both look much nicer then MS Notepad.
Smultron is a small, very easy to use mac-program.
Textedit For Mac
Notepad++ is bigger with many extra options like code highlighting for many programming languages, regex lookup, code-tidying, case change to UPPER, lower and Proper, and many, many more possibilities... Notepad++ is also available for Windows.